Next stop: Amsterdam.
Friday, 07.07.2017 - 7:56 pm.

I'm preparing my trip to Amsterdam next Tuesday. Andrew and I are presenting at a conference on Thursday, the first time we both present results from our PhD research outside our university. We're going from Tuesday to Friday. We're packing light, our conference posters are made of fabric so we can just stuff them in our backpacks. I feel a bit overwhelmed about the planning I feel I have to do (it's probably less than it feels), but I've still had time to take some Dutch lessons on Duolingo. 

On top of this, my niece is coming the week after that. Which is cool and awesome news! But also I'm concerned with timetables and budgets for us to do Liverpool and London day-trips because day-trips are cheaper. They are also harder on the body, specially one that tires easily like my own.

Besides that, I'm afraid I will pretty much lose that week in terms of work of my PhD. I have three studies that currently require my attention, two of them are write-ups. It's possible that there will be no major consequences of my skipping the office those days, though, other than my own conscience grilling me. My supervisors are cool with leaving me alone until I call for their help, and there are no major deadlines in the months ahead. 

Change of topic: I just realized that this GLOW show on Netflix is about this one show that used to make me feel funny things for the women wrestlers in it. I was a kid when it came on TV, but it just occurred to me, I just remembered, I just put a name to it....I found all that very erotic. 

Let the above paragraph be an insinuation that I'm enjoying my bisexuality and trying to make up for all that time spent in the closet. 

See you when I return from Amsterdam. 

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