Days are alright.
Sunday, 12/19/04 - 12:25 pm.

Yesterday I went shopping, three times. Went to Costco (I bought my nephew a slice of pizza, to keep him content), then to B&N (only with my brother) and at night to a mall, with the whole family (we had to split), and especifically to Target and Hot Topic. I spent SUCH an amount of money (not THAT much, but a lot, considering the circumstances).

The good thing about that is that I'm done with the christmas shopping, and I have, among other things, guitar earrings, a new wristband, a Beatles shirt (!) and a John Lennon poster (!!!). I also found a nice digital camera, and I may get it today.

I put the christmas tree this morning, and for a moment I thought kids were going to be annoying all nephew Renan was particularly bugging the hell out of his dad, and he seemed to spread that bad mood. Luckily that changed relatively quickly, and right now everything's quiet around the house.

In a nutshell, the days are alright, beggining with the weather, through the family meals, finishing with the fact that I always go out somewhere. Anywhere. I'm even almost done with most of my shopping for others, and once I have the digital camera I can spend the rest in everything I please...because that's what I've saved an entire year for. Word.

Have a good day.

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