The Bunch.
Thursday, 05/31/07 - 9:20 pm.

I've been meaning to write about the situation between my friends and I. It doesn't alter my life at all, but it upsets me when I have time to sit and think about it.

However, right now I don't have that time.

I just wanted to come here and write that this afternoon I had a wonderful time with WrongGuy, AngelGuy and Sulley, in the cubicle. Sulley was trying to "speak with the P" (mentioning a sillable and then repeating the sillable but replacing the consonants with a P), and we were playing -PLAYING- with Legos. We built a shapeless thing that we named "the psychology instructors cubicle 2008", hoping it'll be rebuilt. And Sulley built something that WrongGuy took as her state of mind, with the need of building a bridge in therapy to make her SuperEgo and her It come together.

Good times. I wish I could remember more, but then again, this was one of those moments that are priceless for the minutes they last, and then everybody goes on with ther lives.

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