Thursday, 09/11/03 - 12:54 pm.
I woke up ill today (mom thinks it could be sinusitis, but I tend to think it's something less important). And it's the eve of the arrival of my period. And it's my third-month anniversary with 1. And it's my UCA mate Angie's birthday, and my brother wife's Denise's birthday.
And of course I cannot leave out the WTC disaster, or whatever you'd like to call it. I don't think I have something to say about this that hasn't already been told. The newspapers say it has affected this country too. And that goes to shows the non-perks of being a dependant country. But that's a tangent. It's not like what I say matters in the big scheme of things, so I won't bother stating my opinion. Not today, thanks.
I get to have dinner with my brother Carlos and his girlfriend Maria tonight. Dad can't pick me up tonight, so since they both work in the same university I attend (both majored in psychology as well) I'll get together with them and they'll take me home, where we'll have dinner. I must talk them into getting fast food.
I can't wait for my second guitar lesson today. Victor gave me some tips on how to treat the blisters. I must not peel off my skin and I should not get worried if my fingers turn green (?).
I kind of like being sick. But I don't think I can justify why.
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