Saturday, 07/31/04 - 11:27 am.
I'm in a much better mood than yesterday, although my feet hurt and I still don't quite like my haircut. I suck at wearing high heels, you know, and 30 minutes with them on are torture for me.
But the party las night was ok. I wasn't part of it, really, I just remained at the table with my favorite cousins, eating and drinking (coke, I do not consume alcohol of any kind) and talking. That's what my four hours at the birthday party of a girl I'd never seen in my life but happens to be my niece was. And they were ok. I actually had fun.
I woke up all beat up, with sore feet. But still I exercised a little. I'm over the whole fat thing I said yesterday (when you think things like this) but I still think my body and my heart could use some exercise. Not the obsessive type of exercising (like the friend of my cousin, who does abdominals while wearing an extremely tight belt), just 15-20 minutes a day. I'd like aerobics. Back in my day I exercised like that, and it improved my quality of life. I had to stop, though, because my throat started to swell up and it needed to be drained (that's quite an entertaining story).
Ok, well. Last night was ok. I even got some kind of Mardi Gras beads. But in a few hours I'll be leaving for the beach. I pray for the trip to be called off, even if it's at the last minute, when the bags are in the car and such. It's getting cloudy, too, I'm hoping it'll rain a lot. I'm just hoping.
I'm very tired. I'm trying not to pay attention to the fact that I'm going to the beach. It'll be just inertia for me, I'll turn myself off and be a zombie, or like those patients with brain injuries, in their frontal lobes, that are not capable of moving by themselves, because they lack of will. Hopefully, before I know it, I'll be here tomorrow night typing, "hi, the trip sucked, and I'm glad it's over". Bye.
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