Saturday, 03/27/04 - 4:37 pm.
My plans for yesterday's afternoon consisted of me sitting quietly on a bench, reading, while Victoria and Irene copied off my notebook the class they missed.
We had scheduled to meet at 3:30. But some days everything happens at the same time, and so, my afternoon was spent running around the campus and running into people, and what I was supposed to begin to do at 3:30, I started doing it at 5:45.
First I went to see my brother at his office (he's the coordinator of the career of psychology at the UCA). You know how sometimes you find stupid people who make YOU feel stupid? It happened to me twice, and one of the times was because of a goddman recepcionist who couldn't get off the phone to inform me that my brother wasn't in his office (I said I was there to see him, and she, as she was talking on the phone -with her boyfriend, I suppose- pointed upstairs...hell, that's supposed to mean "he's in, go ahead". Bitch, bitch, I hate her).
He wasn't there, it was 4:45 and I went to building C to meet up with Irene. She wasn't there, but my brother called me and said he was at his office by then. So I went. And the stupid recepcionist was still on the phone.
After meeting with my brother, I saw D. And I didn't care. I don't care anymore. Then I saw Fidel. He was there buying tickets for a concert today, and besides finding him, I found the girl who everyobody at school knew as his daughter (she was one grade below me). And I walked around with them for a while. Then I found a girl I graduated with, one of Irene's best friend. She got pregnant and her baby was born around this time last year. I'd been wanting to meet her baby, and he's just adorable.
Then I found Victoria. We walked around campus looking for a table so she could copy the class. She found a friend. Then we found Irene. Then we found the girl and the baby again. Finally, at 5:45, we found a table. By then, Angie, by coincidence, was walking by and she joined us. I'd spent two hours fifteen minutes doing practically nothing but walking around and seeing people.
I wished Victor was with her, so it could have finally been the five of us around a table, like last year. We're barely all in the same spot at the same time, unless it's in class. Not even in class. Victor skips it to attend a concert, Angie goes for a snack, Victoria leaves early for church...they say I'm the only one who attends every class (proof that I'm a dork).
It wasn't until last night, when class was dismissed, that the five of us finally got together, to talk for a couple of minutes before we left the university, on our separate ways. I really miss being with them. The four of them at the same time.
(don't mind that, it's just a description of events...I just realized it's too boring to be of any interest to the public, really)
My brother gave me two good news when I was in his office. First, I'm in the top three of psychology students with the highest average grade (9.3...that makes me nervous rather than proud, I MUST keep it up). Second...he said we'll go tomorrow to get the new computer. I am so glad *shakes*.
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