Wednesday, 11/28/01 - 12:13 p.m..
Ok, cool...really cool. Too cool....shit, I'm freezing. With this weather and the heating turned off, I can't get to do a lot of things. No way I'm eating ice cream, I don't even want to open the refrigerator. Yeah, I could put on three or four sweaters and the coat, but I had to do some laundry and they're in the dryer machine. Thank God nothing happened to any of my clothes. I mean, I never sort. Off they go, "color", "white" and "delicate" in the same load, what the hell.
Yesterday did get better. I went to the bus stop to meet the kids, brought them home, took Renan to church for choir rehearsal...well, at this point we did have some problems, it took us 20 minutes to find where the hell they were rehearsing. It just took us 5 minutes to get to church, walking. We took a shortcut. Anyway, we were on our way home (Rebeca and I, after dropping Renan off) and I saw this creature...a teenager. Wow, those species are hard to be seen around here. It was a an 17-19 year old boy. That's all I cared about. Then Rebeca started singing a cheese is a person in your neighborhood.....
I love that song. When we got home, Renan (my bro') was already home, to take Rebeca to her basketball classes. We dropped her off and at 7 we picked up Renan (nephiew). Not a word on what had happened in the morning. It's all forgotten. We always have that problem with him, almost everyday, said my brother. What an "event" to get used to. At night, Rebeca and I played Mario Karts while Renan just kept drawing the Harry Potter movie...the troll, the game, everything is drawn in his notebook. And so good. He can draw people. I can't. He's so fuckin' good at it. And we listened to Aerosmith in the computer. They just loved Hangman Jury (unplugged version, by the way...not that you care, I wanted to mention it).
I should go down the garage to get my clothes....but it's really cold down there. My brother asked me if I wanted him to turn on the heating before he left and I said no. I know, it's stupid. I love freezing to death.....No, I mean, it's not that pleasant, but I'm not suffering enough to go and turn it on by myself. Plus, they have to save money.
Renan (bro) told me he's finishing this thing in Houston (I don't know exactly what it is, but he's a paediatrician) and after that, he wants to go somewhere else. Apparently, he's not so happy in Houston. I understand his reasons. He mentions Michigan a lot. He wants to go to a small town. Ok, then maybe I'll come to Texas just one or two times more. Maybe. IF I get back here. It's a shame, because Denise had offered herself to help me to look for a good place to study here, so I can live with them (or at least *near*). Denise does not want to leave Texas. They've been going back and forth since they came here to stay, about 4-5 years ago. They need to find a place where to stay for good, or at least for more than 2 years. Renan (nephiew) is almost 10, and he hasn't lived in the same place for more than two years in his whole life. I guess that has made him become a little (maybe more than "a little") insecure and such.
Anyway, about that college thing. Michelle, my friend in Indiana, said that I could finish high school here. Hell, yeah. I wish. When it comes the time to choose where to study here, I'll try to find a place where I know somebody (though I don't have to get carried away with that idea). I know a few people all over the US. Now all I have to do is to find out what the fuck I want to study....little details. I mean, I know where I want to be but I don't know how the fuck to get there. Plus, I have to think of my parental units. They're getting old. Their children are leaving the house. Someone will have to take care of them, and I am not sending them with strangers if -given the case- they can't take care of themselves anymore. So...ok, what an I think that what I want to be won't get me so much money. Another little detail to work on. Many people would say that living with your parents...well, could be a problem. I know it could be a problem, but I owe them my life and everything in between and I can't leave them just like that. They've worked really hard for the five of us, then we have to work hard for them.
Now it's time to go the kitchen and see what Simeon's cooking. Go get the clothes and...vegetate!. No way I'm working on a day like this. I didn't want to walk the kids to school today, it was so damn cold. I didn't want to go to pick them up at school today (they're staying for prime time, so they can't take the bus), same reason. I'll go with my bro', by car.
But first, I'll turn on the hair dryer. Not for my hair though.
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